In a world where uncertainties abound and the foundations of society are crumbling beneath our feet, the words of Psalm 62:2 are reassuring. “He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will never be shaken.” (HCSB) Our hope is not anchored in the fleeting promises of men, but in the eternal and unchanging nature of Jesus Christ. He is our sure foundation, the cornerstone upon which we build our lives and anchor our souls.
The epistle to the Hebrews reminds that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (13:8) This constancy a unsinkable ship on a turbulent sea. When political systems fail, economies falter, and social structures break down, the Christian’s confidence remains steadfast because it rests not in temporal constructs but in the eternal Word of God.
The world we live in today is unstable — a place where the moral and ethical standards shift like sand underfoot. Yet, in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells the parable of the wise and foolish builders.
“Everyone therefore who hears these words of mine and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on a rock. The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it didn’t fall, for it was founded on the rock. Everyone who hears these words of mine and doesn’t do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell—and its fall was great.” (7:24-27)
The wise man builds his house upon the rock, so that when the rains fall and the floods come, the house stands firm. This rock is our Lord Jesus Christ and His teachings. Conversely, the foolish man builds on sand, and his house collapses when the storms come. This stark contrast demonstrates the necessity of grounding our lives in Christ, who is the Rock of Ages, rather than the shifting sands of human wisdom and endeavour.
In the New Testament, St. Paul echoes these thoughts when he said, “For no other foundation can any one lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 3:11, NRSV) This foundation is unshakeable. It is the same foundation that has stood the test of time, enduring through the rise and fall of empires, and it will continue to stand long after the current world systems have passed away.
Our trust, therefore, should not be placed in men, who are fallible and subject to error. History is replete with examples of political and religious leaders who have failed, promises that have been broken, and human institutions that have crumbled. In the Psalms we read: “Don’t put your trust in princes, in a son of man in whom there is no help. His spirit departs, and he returns to the earth. In that very day, his thoughts perish.” (Psalm 146:3-4)
In contrast, the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). It is divinely inspired and profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). The Scriptures provide not only a moral compass but also the assurance of God’s promises. In Isaiah 40:8, we read, “The grass withers, the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand forever.” What a solid foundation God’s Word provides for us!
Living in a world that is disintegrating, it is easy to succumb to despair. Yet, as Christians we have a higher hope. Paul speaks of this hope, stating, “And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.” (Romans 5:3-5) This hope is a confident expectation rooted in the faithfulness of our God.
In the Gospel of John we read about the peace that Christ offers being unlike any peace the world can give. Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” (John 14:27) This same divine peace transcends circumstances and guards our hearts and minds (Philippians 4:7).
As we deal with all the challenges of life, may each of us continually turn to Christ, our sure foundation. May we immerse ourselves in His Word, which is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:105). Let us anchor our hope in the One who is eternally faithful, whose promises are sure, and whose love never fails. Jesus is our rock, our salvation, and our fortress. By placing our trust in God and His Word, we find a foundation that cannot be shaken, an anchor for our souls, and a hope that endures forever.